What is a combined scholarship and how can I qualify for one?
Division II and some division I universities can only offer partial scholarships that cover 60% -70% of tuition to their student-athletes. Many international prospective students aren’t aware that in this case they have an opportunity to apply for an academic scholarship, which, in combination with an athletic one, can cover the full cost of tuition, housing, and meals. Such scholarship – academic scholarship added on top of an athletic one- is called a combined scholarship.
In order to receive a combined scholarship, a student must have a minimum GPA of 4.5 (3.5 translated into the U.S. grading system) for the last four years in high school, and must also score high on the TOEFL and SAT tests (the exact requirements depend on a university). The English tests requirements for receiving an academic scholarship are higher than those for admission with an athletic scholarship only. For example, if a certain university requires 1100 on the SAT and 80 on the TOEFL for a regular admission, then, in order to receive an academic scholarship at the same university, a prospective student-athlete would need to score around 1250 on the SAT and 93 on the TOEFL.
In order to find out the requirements for obtaining a combined scholarship and calculate a possible scholarship amount, sign up for a free online consultation (link in the bio).